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Thursday 26th, March, 2015

Hole in the Roof

So…as I haven’t written a blog for a couple of weeks I thought I would write a cheeky little blog with an update of what’s happening in the Cathedral Dental Universe……

• The big refurbishment has started! Well it started and then it quite quickly came to a grinding halt. About an hour into the work our super builder Alan found a huge hole in the roof. This had been leaking water for ages and had caused loads of damage. To cut a long story short he is now busy putting in a new roof. Check out the photo of him busy at work.

This is gonna put back the refurbishment work by 2 weeks. I was little sad about the whole thing because underneath my tough exterior I am sensitive little man. However as the practice building is over 400 years old I suppose you have got to expect these things to occur.

Have a look at the picture of the back room as it looks today. Believe it or not it will be an amazing brand spanking new surgery in a few weeks!

• We have been chosen to be part of the MiSmile network. MiSmile is the leading Invisalign practice in the UK and we will be their satellite clinic in the East of England. I will let you know a lot more about this in the coming weeks so watch this space.

• Our funky new “Indy the Expert” marketing campaign is kicking off really soon. Again watch this space to find out more.

I’d better get back sign off now as I had better make the builders their afternoon cup of tea.

Indy “the tea boy” Singh

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  • 15 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
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