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Wednesday 24th, September, 2014

Implant Blog – September

So….. yesterday we had somebody from the AstraTech dental implant company come and talk to us. They have recently launched a new type of implant system and he was giving us the latest update on it all. We have been using the new system for the last couple of months now and our implant surgeon (Sanjay) is very impressed with it.

The new implants are very strong so we can replace teeth now which in the past we were not able to do.

Our goal is to give all of our patients the best treatment and care possible. So to enable us to do this we are always happy to embrace new technology and techniques.

Implants are the “state of the art” way to replace a missing tooth or teeth. If you want any more information or just a chat about them then give us a call or drop us an email.

Indy “The Implant Kid” Singh

Ps……I’m sorry that you guys have to see another picture of my ugly balding mug. I promise I will get some photos of the other team members in the future.

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  • 15 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
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