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Wednesday 17th, June, 2015

Women’s Cycle Tour 2015 and Dentistry 15

So….. There was lots of exciting things happening outside the practice today as the Womens UK cycle tour were starting one of their stages from Angel Hill. I managed to sneak out and have look round and see the race start. Check out the pictures I took including my great selfie.

I will be at the Dentistry 15 course at Twickneham rugby stadium this weekend. This is a fantastic two day course where I will be learning about the latest materials, techniques and procedures in the world of dentistry. There are lots of world famous lecturers there and it should be a great informative weekend and it will be great bringing lots of new stuff into the practice.

I will let you all know how it went in my next blog.

Indy “I need to learn how to take better selfies” Singh


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  • 15 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
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