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Wednesday 24th, June, 2015

Dentistry 15

So….. I spent my weekend at the Dentistry 15 course at Twickenham Stadium in London. Check out my selfie outside the stadium.

Wow, the course was great and a lot of fun. I went to loads of brilliant lectures and seminars on a whole range of different dental topics. I learnt about the latest advancements in tooth coloured fillings and smile design. I went to a few business lectures and also went to a trade exhibition and spoke to all the dental suppliers about the best and newest technologies.

I bought loads of stuff and also learnt loads of new things which I will be implementing into the practice over the coming weeks.

I also spoke to the dude from the company who manufactured the new dental chair that was installed in my room last month. I actually know how to use it properly now! There is so much technology in the chair and it has so many functions it took him half an hour to show me it all.

At Cathedral Dental we always strive to keep up to date with everything in the dental world so we can offer our patients the best treatment and service possible.

Come and see us to find out for yourself. You know you want to…..

Indy “have brain strain now with everything I learnt” Singh



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