  • location 15 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
  • Call 01284 705 637
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At Cathedral Dental, we’re dedicated to restoring happy smiles to our patients’ faces, which is why we always recommend replacing missing teeth wherever possible.

Why do I need to replace a missing tooth or teeth?

Replacing a missing tooth where possible is paramount to ensuring your long-term overall oral health. Not only can a missing tooth, or multiple missing teeth, lead to a multitude of further oral health issues, but it can seriously damage your sense of self and wellbeing, leading to feelings of self-consciousness when smiling.

What are the oral health issues connected with a missing tooth?

A missing tooth can have a variety of knock-on effects when it comes to your overall oral health. This includes misalignment of the teeth, as those left behind move to fill the gap. It can also lead to food and debris becoming caught and trapped in the gap, which in turn can lead to tooth decay. Missing teeth can also contribute to a loss of bone in the jaw, which can then lead to changes in facial structure, making you appear older than you are.

What are my options when replacing a missing tooth or teeth?

At Cathedral Dental, we can offer our patients a comprehensive range of options when it comes to replacing a missing tooth or teeth. Our professional team can offer advice on implants such as single tooth dental implants and implant-retained dentures.

To Learn more about this treatment or to book an appointment at cathedral dental
Contact Us or Call 01284 705 637
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  • 15 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
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